How to Increase JMeter Heap Size on Linux Systems

As any seasoned JMeter user knows, one of the most important JMeter performance tuning settings is the heap size. By default, the heap size is set to 512MB, but for large load test plans, it is often necessary to increase the heap size. In this blog post, we’ll show you how to increase the heap size on Linux systems.

There are two ways to increase the JMeter heap size:

1. Use the -Xmx argument when starting JMeter
2. Set the JAVA_OPTS environment variable

We recommend using the -Xmx argument when starting JMeter, as it is simpler and more flexible. To use the -Xmx argument, just add it to your JMeter startup command like this:

jmeter -Xmx1024m …other arguments…

This will start JMeter with a 1024MB heap size. You can adjust the heap size as needed to suit your load testing needs.

If you prefer to use the JAVA_OPTS environment variable, you can set it like this:

export JAVA_OPTS=”-Xmx1024m”

Then start JMeter as usual. Again, you can adjust the heap size as needed.

That’s all there is to increasing the JMeter heap size on Linux systems! By following these simple steps, you can ensure that your JMeter tests have the resources they need to run smoothly and accurately.

Understanding Heap Size and Memory Allocation

​When it comes to understanding heap size and memory allocation, there are a few key things that you need to keep in mind. First, the heap is a section of memory that is set aside for holding objects. The size of the heap is typically set when the JVM is started and can be increased or decreased as needed. 

Second, when an object is created, it is stored in the heap. The amount of memory that is allocated for an object depends on the size of the object and the type of data that it contains.

So, what does this all mean for you? If you’re working with Jmeter and you need to increase the heap size, you can do so by specifying the -Xmx argument when starting the JVM. For example, to start the JVM with a heap size of 512 MB, you would use the following command:

java -Xmx512m MyClass

If you need to decrease the heap size, you can use the -Xms argument. For example, to start the JVM with a heap size of 256 MB, you would use the following command:

java -Xms256m MyClass

Keep in mind that you can also use both arguments to set the minimum and maximum heap size. For example, to set the heap size to 512 MB with a minimum of 256 MB, you would use the following command:

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java -Xmx512m -Xms256m MyClass

One final thing to keep in mind is that the heap size is not the only factor that determines how much memory an object will use. The type of data that an object contains also plays a role in determining memory usage. For example, an object that contains a large array of integers will use more memory than an object that contains a small array of strings.

So, when you’re working with Jmeter and you need to increase the heap size, keep in mind that you’re not just increasing the amount of memory that is available for storing objects. You’re also increasing the amount of memory that is available for processing data.

How to Increase JMeter Heap Size on Linux Systems 4

Recommended Heap Size for JMeter

​As the load testing tool of choice for many organizations, JMeter is often tasked with putting a strain on applications and servers in order to find performance issues. As such, it is important to ensure that JMeter is configured with enough memory to avoid any out-of-memory errors that could impact the results of the load test.

The default heap size for JMeter is 512 MB, but this may not be enough for larger load tests. If you find that your load tests are failing due to out-of-memory errors, you will need to increase the heap size.

There are two ways to increase the heap size for JMeter:

1. Edit the jmeter.bat or file

2. Use the -Xmx argument when starting JMeter

We will cover both methods in this blog post.

Method 1: Edit the jmeter.bat or File

The jmeter.bat file is located in the /bin directory of your JMeter installation. The file is located in the /bin directory of your JMeter installation on Linux systems.

Open the file in a text editor and find the line that starts with “set HEAP=” on Windows systems or “#HEAP=” on Linux systems. The value after the equals sign is the current heap size.

Change the value to 1024m and save the file. This will increase the heap size to 1024 MB.

Method 2: Use the -Xmx Argument when Starting JMeter

Another way to increase the heap size for JMeter is to use the -Xmx argument when starting JMeter. This argument can be used to set the maximum heap size for the JVM.

To use this method, open a command prompt or terminal and navigate to the /bin directory of your JMeter installation. Then, run the following command:

jmeter -Xmx1024m

This will start JMeter with a 1024 MB heap size.

You can also use this argument when starting JMeter in GUI mode. To do this, open the file jmeter in a text editor and find the line that starts with “HEAP=” on Windows systems or “#HEAP=” on Linux systems.

Add the following argument to the end of the line:


Save the file and then start JMeter in GUI mode. JMeter will now use a 1024 MB heap size.

How to Increase JMeter Heap Size on Linux Systems 3

Potential Issues with Increasing the Heap Size in JMeter

​As any seasoned JMeter user knows, increasing the heap size can be a tricky business. On the one hand, a larger heap size can mean improved performance for JMeter tests. 

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On the other hand, it can also lead to stability issues and OutOfMemoryErrors. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at some of the potential issues that can occur when increasing the heap size in JMeter, and offer some tips on how to avoid them.

One of the most common issues that can occur when increasing the heap size is an OutOfMemoryError. This error can be caused by a number of factors, but the most likely culprit is a memory leak in the application under test. 

If you’re seeing OutOfMemoryErrors when increasing the heap size, it’s important to first identify whether there is a memory leak in the application. This can be done using a tool like VisualVM or JConsole. If there is a memory leak, it will need to be fixed before increasing the heap size will have any positive effect.

Another potential issue that can occur when increasing the heap size is increased GC activity. This is usually not an issue in itself, but it can lead to longer test times and decreased performance. To avoid this, it’s important to monitor GC activity when increasing the heap size and to make sure that it doesn’t get out of hand.

Finally, it’s important to remember that increasing the heap size is not a silver bullet. It can help improve performance in some cases, but it can also lead to stability issues and OutOfMemoryErrors. Before increasing the heap size, it’s important to understand the potential risks and to weigh them against the potential benefits.

How to Increase JMeter Heap Size on Linux Systems 2

Troubleshooting Out of Memory Errors in JMeter

If you’re a Linux user, you may have come across the “out of memory” (OOM) error when running JMeter. This error can be caused by a number of factors, but most often it’s due to JMeter not having enough heap memory to run your test.

There are a few ways to increase JMeter’s heap size, but the most straightforward way is to use the JAVA_OPTS environment variable. To do this, open the file that sets this environment variable (usually called or setenv.bat) and add the following line:


This will give JMeter 512 MB of heap memory. You can increase this value if needed, but be sure to leave enough memory for the operating system and other applications running on the same machine.

If you’re still seeing OOM errors after increasing the heap size, it’s possible that your test is just too complex or data-intensive for JMeter to handle. In this case, you may need to consider using a distributed testing setup with multiple JMeter servers.

How to Increase JMeter Heap Size on Linux Systems


​As we all know, the JMeter application is a Java-based tool used for load testing. And, like any other Java application, it requires a certain amount of dedicated memory, or heap, to run smoothly. If you’re seeing OutOfMemoryErrors or poor JMeter performance on your Linux system, it’s likely that you need to increase the JMeter heap size.

In this blog post, we took a look at how to increase JMeter heap size on Linux systems. We also discussed some general recommendations for JMeter tuning.

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It’s important to keep in mind that JMeter is not a web browser and, as such, is not able to handle all types of web traffic. In particular, JMeter is not able to handle AJAX-based web applications very well. If you’re load testing an AJAX-based web application, it’s best to use a tool that’s specifically designed for that purpose, such as Selenium or WebDriver.

That’s it for this blog post! I hope you’ve found it helpful. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to post them in the comments section below.


What is JMeter Heap Size?

The JMeter Heap Size refers to the amount of memory allocated to the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) when running Apache JMeter. It determines how much memory JMeter can use for storing data and running test scripts.

Why would I need to increase JMeter Heap Size?

You might need to increase the JMeter Heap Size if your test scripts are consuming a lot of memory or if you are encountering “Out of Memory” errors. Increasing the heap size can help JMeter handle larger and more complex test scenarios.

How can I check the current JMeter Heap Size?

You can check the current JMeter Heap Size by opening JMeter and going to “Options” > “Heap Size.” It will display the current settings.

How do I increase the JMeter Heap Size on Linux?

To increase the JMeter Heap Size on Linux, you need to modify the jmeter script. You can do this by setting the HEAP variable within the script to the desired heap size. Open the script in a text editor and locate the HEAP variable, then change its value to your preferred heap size.

Where is the JMeter script located on a Linux system?

The JMeter script can typically be found in the JMeter installation directory. It is usually named “jmeter” or “” You can locate it using the cd command to navigate to the JMeter installation directory.

What is an appropriate heap size for JMeter on Linux?

The appropriate heap size depends on your specific testing requirements and the available system resources. A common starting point is to allocate 1/4 to 1/2 of your system’s available RAM to JMeter. For example, if you have 4GB of RAM, you can set the heap size to 1GB (1024m).

How can I set the JMeter Heap Size permanently on Linux?

To set the JMeter Heap Size permanently, you can create a user-specific or system-wide environment variable. Edit your .bashrc or .bash_profile file for a user-specific setting or the /etc/environment file for a system-wide setting and add the JAVA_OPTS variable with the desired heap size.

How do I verify if the JMeter Heap Size has been successfully increased?

To verify if the JMeter Heap Size has been successfully increased, you can run JMeter and check the “Heap Size” under “Options.” Alternatively, you can use the ps command to view the JVM’s memory usage. If the heap size change is effective, you should see the new heap size being used.

Bryan is a passionate coder and the driving force behind, a coding learning blog that dives deep into the world of programming and web development. With a wealth of experience and a thirst for knowledge, Bryan has dedicated his career to making complex coding concepts accessible to learners of all levels.

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